Welcome to the Kinsmen Club of Tillsonburg
Founded by Hal Rogers on Feb. 20, 1920, Kin Canada is the nation's largest all-Canadian service club organization. Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin clubs across the country work to better their communities, enhance the well-being of Canadians and improve the environment. The Association boasts a proud history dedicated to fostering life-long friendships while ‘Serving the Community’s Greatest Need.’
ServiceOur main goal is to identity and meet our community's greatest needs through fundraising events and projects.
FellowshipOur club provides its members an opportunity to meet and collaborate with individuals and groups that share a common passion for their community.
LeadershipWe are leaders in our community. Our passionate members dedicate their time and energy to ensure that our community's greatest needs are met.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
- Winston Churchill